Families, Children & Learning
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
0 |
Director of Families, Children & Learning |
92 |
92 |
0 |
0.0% |
116 |
116 |
0 |
736 |
Health, SEN & Disability Services |
39,971 |
40,883 |
912 |
2.3% |
1,007 |
944 |
63 |
512 |
Education & Skills |
7,385 |
7,820 |
435 |
5.9% |
318 |
266 |
52 |
(524) |
Children's Safeguarding & Care |
40,470 |
38,829 |
(1,641) |
-4.1% |
1,800 |
1,800 |
0 |
(14) |
Quality Assurance & Performance |
1,442 |
1,443 |
1 |
0.1% |
79 |
79 |
0 |
710 |
Total Families, Children & Learning |
89,360 |
89,067 |
(293) |
-0.3% |
3,320 |
3,205 |
115 |
(303) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures (see below) |
- |
(83) |
(83) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
407 |
Residual Risk After Financial Recovery Measures |
89,360 |
88,984 |
(376) |
-0.4% |
3,320 |
3,205 |
115 |
Explanation of Key Variances (Note: FTE/WTE = Full/Whole Time Equivalent)
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Further Directorate Financial Recovery Measures |
(83) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures projection |
The directorate did develop an over-arching Financial Recovery Plan to address previous pressures. The Recovery plan included the following measures: |
- Review of Home to School transport costs |
- In-House Foster Care - Move to 65% in-house carers by the end of the year. |
- Reduce the average unit cost of placements |
- Review of council nurseries costs |
The only outstanding item is the review of Home to School transport costs. |
Health, SEN & Disability Services |
317 |
Demand Led - Children's Disability Placements |
The projected number and unit costs of residential children's placements are both in excess of budgeted provision. This is due to the breakdown of several foster placements and the requirement to make 3 additional high cost residential placements in 2019/20. |
200 |
Adults LD - Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding |
The CCG is reviewing health needs of high cost clients and this is having an adverse impact on the funding of the Adults Learning Disability social care budget. Negotiations with the CCG are ongoing. |
399 |
In-house disability services |
There is an underlying pressure in both Children's and Adults in-house services. In particular, this relates to Drove Road and Beach House where services are being required to provide exceptionally high levels of support and accommodate emergency placements. |
(9) |
Adults LD - community care |
The main community care budget is forecasting a small underspend. The average unit cost is 2.4% below budget provision and this is offset by an increase in client numbers (2.5%) against budget. |
151 |
Direct Payments |
There continues to be a pressure on the direct payments budget as there is an increase in both the numbers and unit costs. |
(110) |
Other |
High number of vacancies and significant turnover as part of transition to new disability services structure. |
(36) |
Other |
This relates to other small underspends across the Health, SEN and Disability branch. |
Education & Skills |
416 |
Home to School Transport |
For 2019/20 an updated analysis has been
undertaken by the budget holder and the latest position indicates a
£0.416m overspend based on information for the old contract.
The main area overspending relates to hired transport and reflects
the latest numbers of children (340) being transported. |
(17) |
Early Years |
Council nurseries are now showing a breakeven position. Small underspend across youth related services. |
36 |
Other |
This mainly relates to PFI savings originally estimated for the CIPFA consultancy work started in 2018/19 and due to enter phase 2 in 2019/20, however, there is uncertainty over the commencement of this phase due to current construction of additional school places for September 2020. |
Children's Safeguarding & Care |
(1,278) |
Demand-Led - Residential Agency Placements |
The projected number of residential placements (26.94 FTE) is broken down as 23.94 FTE social care residential placements (children’s homes) and 3.00 FTE schools placements. The budget allowed for 30.00 FTE social care residential care placements and 3.50 FTE schools placements. The average unit cost of residential placements is slightly lower than the budgeted level at £3,734.66 per week (£51.07 per week below budget). The combination of the number of children placed being 6.56 FTE below the budgeted level and the unit costs result in the underspend of £1.278m. |
216 |
Demand-Led - Independent Foster Agency (IFA) Placements |
The number of children placed in Independent Foster Agency placements has decreased in recent years. During 2018/19 there were 98.73 FTE (compared with 118.68 FTE for 2017/18). The current projected number of placements in 2019/20 is 94.13 FTE, a reduction of 4.7%. The budget for IFA placements included significant levels of savings and was set at 86.10 FTE. The numbers being higher than the budget by 8.03 FTE results in a projected overspend of £0.216m. |
143 |
Demand-Led - Secure Accommodation |
It is estimated that during 2019/20 there will be 1.58 FTE secure (welfare) placements and 0.66 FTE secure (justice) placements. The budget allowed for 1.30 FTE welfare and 1.00 FTE justice placements during the year. There is currently one child in a secure (welfare) placement and none in a secure (justice) placement resulting in a projected underspend of £0.143m. |
422 |
Demand-Led - Semi-independent/Supported placements |
The number of semi-independent and supported living placements is projected to be 29.75 FTE and this is 5.15 FTE above the budgeted level. The average unit cost of these placements is currently below the budget. The higher forecast number of placements results in the overspend of £0.422m. |
(386) |
Demand-Led - In-House Fostering |
As at the 31st August 2019 there were 140 children placed with ‘in-house’ foster carers and 143.13 FTE for the year. The budget, based on an increasing trend over the last few years and the drive to increase recruitment of in-house carers, was set at 153.60 FTE placements. This has resulted in the current projected underspend of £0.386m. |
215 |
Demand-Led - Family & Friends placements, Child Arrangement Orders and Special Guardianship Orders |
The budget allows for 332.90 FTE placements of these types. It is currently anticipated that there will be 338.49 FTE children in these placements during 2019/20 and this results in the overspend of £0.215m. |
(354) |
Demand-Led - Care Leavers |
The projected number of care leaver placements in 2019/20 is 131.51 FTE. The budget allows for 160.10 FTE placements. The average unit cost of placements is also lower than budgeted and this has resulted in the underspend of £0.354m. |
(287) |
Demand-Led Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Teams, Living Expenses and Grant |
The numbers of unaccompanied asylum seeking children has increased considerably in the last couple of years. The increase in the number of asylum seekers has required additional staffing and also an increase in other, non-accommodation living costs. The costs of looking after these children is funded by a grant from the Home Office and this has increased in 2019/20 by 25% resulting in the underspend of £0.287m. |
81 |
Social Work Pods |
The forecast variance accounts for current vacancies, the recruitment of newly qualified social workers in September and assumed staff turnover. An overspend of £0.142m is reported against the Partners in Change initiative as, the projected savings assumed in the Business plan are yet to be identified against the social work establishment and legal fees. |
(143) |
Preventive/S17 |
There is a significant underspend projected across the Preventive budgets. It is anticipated that, with continued scrutiny and cost effective use of funds, a year end underspend will be realised in 2019/20. |
(23) |
Adoptions |
Based on current family finding activity and children looking for adoption the projected outturn on Interagency Adoptions is an underspend of £0.053m. Based on the current schedule of supported cases Adoption allowances are forecast to overspend by £0.030m. |
20 |
Legal fees |
The Underspend predominantly relates to forecast spend on court fees for the remainder of the year based on previous years trends. |
(64) |
Adolescent Service |
The underspend relates to vacant posts and turnover. |
(45) |
Contact Service |
The underspend reported assumes a full staffing establishment and a reduction in the use of sessional contact workers. |
(158) |
Other |
This relates to minor underspends across the branch. |
Quality Assurance & Performance |
1 |
Other |
Minor variances. |
Health & Adult Social Care (HASC)
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
3,751 |
Adult Social Care |
33,354 |
37,682 |
4,328 |
13.0% |
2,886 |
2,886 |
0 |
99 |
S75 Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) |
16,340 |
16,461 |
121 |
0.7% |
699 |
699 |
0 |
963 |
Integrated Commissioning |
8,677 |
9,475 |
798 |
9.2% |
455 |
455 |
0 |
0 |
Public Health |
399 |
399 |
0 |
0.0% |
314 |
314 |
0 |
4,813 |
Total Health & Adult Social Care |
58,770 |
64,017 |
5,247 |
8.9% |
4,354 |
4,354 |
0 |
(2,145) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures (see below) |
- |
(1,462) |
(1,462) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,668 |
Residual Risk After Financial Recovery Measures |
58,770 |
62,555 |
3,785 |
6.4% |
4,354 |
4,354 |
0 |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Further Directorate Financial Recovery Measures |
(1,462) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures projection |
The directorate has developed an over-arching Financial Recovery Plan to address the above pressures. The Recovery plan includes the following measures: |
- Targeted Reviews project |
- In house Services review |
Adult Social Care |
3,442 |
Demand-Led Community Care - Physical & Sensory Support |
There is a continuing trend of increasing
numbers of older people being discharged from hospital requiring
social care services for the first time, as well as increased
community care demand. This additional financial pressure is being
partly mitigated by the Adult Care Support Grant and Improved
Better Care fund for 2019/20. |
142 |
Demand-Led Community Care - Substance Misuse |
There are relatively small numbers of clients within this service and this is in line with the expected demand. The average unit cost is higher than the budgeted unit cost resulting in the overspend of £0.142m. |
776 |
In house provision |
The saving of £0.614m set against in house provision (home care and residential) is reflected within the FRP and is subject to consultation. |
(475) |
Assessment teams |
This is due to a number of temporary vacancies across the Assessment teams. |
440 |
Sustainable Social Care |
£0.440m of the overall £1.000m Sustainable Social Care savings target has been allocated to HASC and mitigating actions are being identified where possible. |
3 |
Other |
S75 Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) |
(50) |
Demand-Led - Memory Cognition Support |
The unit cost is lower than had been
anticipated resulting in the underspend projection of
£0.050m. |
117 |
Demand-Led - Mental Health Support |
The number of forecast placements are higher
than budgeted and this results in the overspend projection of
£0.117m. |
54 |
Staffing Teams |
This is due to an increase in overtime hours within the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Service. |
Integrated Commissioning |
800 |
External Funding |
Brighton & Hove CCG made a recurrent reduction of £1.100m to council services in 2018/19. Council reinvestment funding of £0.300m was allocated which then results in a net pressure of £0.800m. |
(2) |
Other |
Minor variances. |
Economy, Environment & Culture
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
(551) |
Transport |
1,013 |
305 |
(708) |
-69.9% |
1,167 |
1,167 |
0 |
879 |
City Environmental Management |
30,463 |
31,523 |
1,060 |
3.5% |
96 |
96 |
0 |
35 |
City Development & Regeneration |
2,811 |
2,968 |
157 |
5.6% |
224 |
224 |
0 |
(4) |
Culture, Tourism & Sport |
3,972 |
3,972 |
0 |
0.0% |
316 |
316 |
0 |
0 |
Property |
(622) |
(622) |
(0) |
0.0% |
120 |
120 |
0 |
359 |
Total Economy, Environment & Culture |
37,637 |
38,146 |
509 |
1.4% |
1,923 |
1,923 |
0 |
(359) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures (see below) |
- |
(509) |
(509) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
Residual Risk After Financial Recovery Measures |
37,637 |
37,637 |
0 |
0.0% |
1,923 |
1,923 |
0 |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Further Directorate Financial Recovery Measures |
(509) |
Financial Recovery Plan |
The directorate has developed an over-arching financial recovery plan to address the pressures detailed below across the various service headings. This includes the following measures: |
Directorate Wide |
All corporately significant income streams, including parking income, will be forecast alongside finance officers to ensure robust forecasts are presented as part of the budget monitoring process. The ongoing identification of additional income and reduced spend to offset pressures on a recurrent basis. |
City Environmental Management |
A comprehensive modernisation programme is being undertaken across the City Environmental Management services to reduce existing pressures. The existing fleet of vehicles is currently under review; the service is also undertaking a review of processes and contracts to seek efficiencies. |
Transport |
(600) |
Parking Services |
High level forecasts based on income generated to date suggest an overachievement of at least £0.600m in 2019/20. This is substantially due to higher than budgeted Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) income due to an increased seasonal variation in bus lane PCN’s issued during the summer period. However, parking income is demand led and difficult to predict and minor variations in demand can and do result in significant changes in income achieved. Forecasts will be regularly reviewed throughout the year. The forecast includes £0.038m additional pressure following approval of the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendation to retain Members parking permits at Norton Road and The Lanes car parks. |
(100) |
Concessionary Bus Fares |
The Concessionary Bus Fares budget is forecast to underspend due to lower than budgeted and agreed contract costs. |
(77) |
Traffic Management |
A forecast overachievement of income from hoardings, tables and chairs and A boards of £0.166m is partially offset by planned improvements to George Street, encampment protections in King's Place £0.061m, staff sickness and restructure delays £0.018m and a contribution towards Pride transport measures at Brighton station £0.010m. |
69 |
Transport Projects and Engineering |
Payments to bus operators are forecast to exceed budget by £0.110m. Bus shelter advertising receipts are forecast to exceed budget by £0.145m offset by bus shelter building works of £0.093m. |
City Environmental Management |
440 |
City Clean |
Employee related costs due to additional communal bin rounds and additional collection drivers and operatives to meet service requirements have resulted in an expected additional cost of £0.440m. Anticipated commercial waste pressure is expected but not yet quantified whilst a review of service, price structure and customer base is being undertaken as part of a service modernisation programme. |
550 |
Fleet & Maintenance |
£0.400m variance forecast to meet service requirements including fuel, parts, tyres and staff costs. £0.100m income pressure relating to vehicle maintenance income due to delayed implementation of service. £0.050m cost to appoint two external transport management consultants for a period of 12 weeks to ensure regulatory compliance at Hollingdean Depot. |
70 |
Stategy & Projects |
Temporary overspend is forecast on public conveniences cleaning contract costs and delays in the receipt of income from charging in public conveniences (capital works require completing). There is also an unachievable textiles income target. |
City Development & Regeneration |
97 |
Developmental Planning |
Additional spend on agency staff and consultants to support major applications and Building Control and Planning Policy income pressure being partially offset by increased income for Planning fees and Pre Application advice and some salaries underspends. |
60 |
Assistant Director - EEC |
The forecast £0.060m overspend is the agreed ongoing contribution to Legal Services for a permanent additional contracts lawyer to assist with EEC projects and contracts. The 2018/19 contribution was funded by a one-off allocation from capital funds. The ongoing contribution is unbudgeted and requires funding on a recurring basis. |
Culture, Tourism & Sport |
(7) |
Royal Pavilion and Museums |
Minor variances. |
(4) |
Sport and Leisure |
Minor variances. |
11 |
Venues |
Minor variances. |
Neighbourhood, Communities & Housing
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
1,100 |
Housing General Fund |
5,330 |
6,390 |
1,060 |
19.9% |
143 |
143 |
0 |
0 |
Libraries |
4,650 |
4,620 |
(30) |
-0.6% |
231 |
231 |
0 |
0 |
Communities, Equalities & Third Sector |
2,882 |
2,882 |
0 |
0.0% |
121 |
121 |
0 |
0 |
Safer Communities |
2,518 |
2,518 |
0 |
0.0% |
458 |
458 |
0 |
1,100 |
Total Neighbourhood, Communities & Housing |
15,380 |
16,410 |
1,030 |
19.2% |
953 |
953 |
0 |
(1,100) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures (see below) |
- |
(1,060) |
(1,060) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
Residual Risk After Financial Recovery Measures |
15,380 |
15,350 |
(30) |
-0.2% |
953 |
953 |
0 |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Further Directorate Financial Recovery Measures |
(1,060) |
Further Financial Recovery Measures projection |
Housing General Fund services have a challenging savings target which is only part met and a forecast overspend in Temporary Accommodation. There are a range of measures being put in place in Temporary Accommodation to deliver a balanced budget. If these measures are unsuccessful, the Flexible Homelessness Support Grant (FHSG) can be used, as a last resort, to mitigate any final in-year overspend. |
Housing General Fund |
250 |
Housing General Fund savings |
There are £0.250m of savings required of the Housing General Fund (some from 2017/18) to be identified. There is further work underway to deliver more savings in-year. |
600 |
Temporary Accommodation |
The forecast overspend is the result of higher than budgeted volumes and costs of temporary accommodation due to the continuing local pressures and bedding in the more onerous statutory requirements of the Housing Reduction Act. The number of households in temporary accommodation reduced by 208 to 1,495 by the end of 2018/19 but it has not decreased to the expected levels. The service continues to work to reduce the volume of households in temporary accommodation by focusing resources on earlier prevention of homelessness and using the grant funding to transform the service. |
250 |
Seaside Homes |
The forecast overspend is substantially the result of lower income collection following the impact of Universal Credit and tenancy turnover. The service are focusing on improving income collection, which may be more difficult as Universal Credit is rolled out, and improving void turnaround times. The council has agreed in principle with Seaside Homes to make changes to the agreement to offer fixed term tenancies and thereby discharge the Housing duty, enabling households to remain longer term (reducing churn or turnover). However, this will take a little more time to deliver as Seaside’s lender needs to consent and the change requires a variation to the Overarching Agreement. |
(40) |
Travellers |
Accrual for extra sewerage costs no longer required (£0.035m); more income than budgeted from the Horsedean permanent site (£0.025m) offset by estimated extra repairs costs of £0.020m. |
Libraries |
(30) |
Various |
Minor variances. |
Finance & Resources
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
0 |
Finance (Mobo) |
65 |
108 |
43 |
66.2% |
30 |
30 |
0 |
0 |
HR & Organisational Development (Mobo) |
1,105 |
1,105 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
150 |
IT&D (Mobo) |
2,756 |
2,906 |
150 |
5.4% |
65 |
0 |
65 |
0 |
Procurement (Mobo) |
(416) |
(416) |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Business Operations (Mobo) |
92 |
206 |
114 |
123.9% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
159 |
Revenues & Benefits (Mobo) |
5,004 |
5,004 |
0 |
0.0% |
192 |
192 |
0 |
(325) |
Housing Benefit Subsidy |
(901) |
(859) |
42 |
4.7% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Contribution to Orbis |
12,985 |
13,006 |
21 |
0.2% |
735 |
735 |
0 |
(16) |
Total Finance & Resources |
20,690 |
21,060 |
370 |
1.8% |
1,022 |
957 |
65 |
Mobo = Budgets held by Orbis and Managed on behalf of the relevant partner i.e. they are sovereign, non-partnership budgets.
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Finance (Mobo) |
43 |
Finance (including Audit) |
The service is forecasting a pressure for the year of £0.043m, mainly due to higher than expected IT Systems costs following a number of mandatory upgrades, together with additional one-off external audit fees and a reduced contribution from the Dedicated Schools Grant for Schools Forum support. |
IT&D (Mobo) |
150 |
IT&D |
At Month 5, IT&D have identified a net
pressure of £1.050m due to budget pressures in some areas,
particularly ICT contracts and some savings targets. Although
there have been some individual contract savings, the overall
pressure in the contracts budget has increased. The forecast
has reduced by £0.250 this month due to Modernisation funding
having been applied for the increase in Microsoft licencing
costs. |
Business Operations (Mobo) |
114 |
Business Operations |
There is an expected overspend of £0.114m in relation to an increase in system costs in respect of iTrent, Civica Financials and ICON HR and Financial systems. These overspends have arisen due to renegotiation of contracts and are based on sovereign decisions taken. |
Revenues & Benefits (Mobo) |
0 |
Revenues & Benefits |
At Month 5 the service is now forecast to breakeven due to staff vacancies contributing to a forecast staffing underspend of £0.138m that is partially offsetting an underachievement in court costs income of £0.106m and an overspend on bank charges of £0.039m. |
Housing Benefit Subsidy |
42 |
HB Subsidy |
There is a forecast surplus of £0.200m on the recovery of overpaid former Council Tax Benefits based on the first five months of 2019/20. There is a forecast pressure of £0.242m on the main subsidy budgets which is is mostly (£0.254m) due to the subsidy loss on a particular type of benefit for vulnerable tenants. This is offset by the forecast position on the net recovery of Housing Benefit overpayments being better than expected by £0.038m and there are other minor adverse variances of £0.026m. |
F&R Contribution to ORBIS |
21 |
There were unachievable staff savings in Business Operations and IT&D, offset partly by a reduced pension adjustment. The expected overspend of £0.100m for Orbis services would lead to a higher contribution cost to BHCC of £0.021m. |
Strategy, Governance & Law
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
38 |
Corporate Policy |
697 |
697 |
0 |
0.0% |
24 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
Legal Services |
1,331 |
1,330 |
(1) |
-0.1% |
93 |
93 |
0 |
0 |
Democratic & Civic Office Services |
1,740 |
1,740 |
0 |
0.0% |
78 |
78 |
0 |
338 |
Life Events |
103 |
475 |
372 |
361.2% |
316 |
155 |
161 |
0 |
Performance, Improvement & Programmes |
628 |
616 |
(12) |
-1.9% |
46 |
46 |
0 |
0 |
Communications |
660 |
660 |
0 |
0.0% |
51 |
51 |
0 |
376 |
Total Strategy, Governance & Law |
5,159 |
5,518 |
359 |
7.0% |
608 |
447 |
161 |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Corporate Policy |
0 |
Policy, Partnerships & Scrutiny |
The funding shortfall reported last time is being negotiated, and underspends elsewhere have been identified. |
Legal Services |
(1) |
Minor variances |
Life Events |
372 |
Life Events |
There is a declared pressure at Month 5 of
£0.372m, after an agreed corporate contribution of
£0.050m towards income pressures has been applied. |
Performance, Improvement & Programmes |
(12) |
Performance, Improvement & Programmes |
Vacancies. |
Corporate Budgets
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
0 |
Bulk Insurance Premia |
3,069 |
3,069 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Capital Financing Costs |
5,659 |
5,659 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Levies & Precepts |
207 |
207 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Unallocated Contingency & Risk Provisions |
522 |
522 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(42) |
Unringfenced Grants |
(25,320) |
(25,362) |
(42) |
-0.2% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
34 |
Other Corporate Items |
5,073 |
5,107 |
34 |
0.7% |
56 |
22 |
34 |
(8) |
Total Corporately-held Budgets |
(10,790) |
(10,798) |
(8) |
-0.1% |
56 |
22 |
34 |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance or Financial Recovery Measure Description |
Unringfenced Grants |
(42) |
Releasing grant pressure funding |
Releasing residual grant pressure funding for specific grants as only one grant remains unannounced (Department for Health - Local Reform and Community Voices Grant). |
Other Corporate Items |
34 |
Pension Costs |
Costs for 2019/20 are higher than anticipated at budget setting time. |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA)
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Savings |
Savings |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Savings |
Achieved/ |
At |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Proposed |
Anticipated |
Risk |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
(320) |
Capital Financing |
31,335 |
31,015 |
(320) |
-1.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Housing Management & Support |
4,521 |
4,381 |
(140) |
-3.1% |
80 |
80 |
0 |
0 |
Head of City Development & Regeneration |
316 |
316 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Income, Involvement & Improvement |
(46,303) |
(46,783) |
(480) |
-1.0% |
50 |
50 |
0 |
0 |
Property & Investment |
7,969 |
8,769 |
800 |
10.0% |
100 |
100 |
0 |
0 |
Tenancy Services |
2,162 |
2,222 |
60 |
2.8% |
50 |
50 |
0 |
(320) |
Total Housing Revenue Account |
0 |
(80) |
(80) |
0.0% |
280 |
280 |
0 |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance Description |
Capital Financing |
(320) |
Financing costs |
Significant reprofiling of HRA capital expenditure from 2018/19 into 2019/20 impacts on the timing of when borrowing is required to be undertaken to fund the expenditure. This has resulted in lower interest charges being incurred during 2019/20 compared to the original budget forecast, as at Month 2. |
Housing Management & Support |
(100) |
Rents |
Projected income is more than the budget assumptions for Temporary Accommodation. |
(40) |
Employee costs |
Projected underspend on agency staff budget. |
Income, Involvement & Improvement |
(350) |
Rents |
Reduced level of rent loss through voids and projected income is also slightly more than budget assumptions. The revised income level will be accommodated in the 2020/21 budget setting process. |
(130) |
Employee costs |
Forecast underspend due to staff vacancies in the Income Management team. |
Property & Investment |
800 |
Leaseholder - Service Charges Major Works |
A lower than expected level of leasehold service charge is being forecast for major works in 2019/20. Provision in the HRA budget allowed for billing of £1.8m, based on likely completion times for a large number of projects and the fact that previous years’ estimates had been under the level of billing. Due to some projects taking longer to complete or reach final account, a lower level of £1m was actually billed in 2019/20 with the remainder forecast for billing in 2020/21. |
Tenancy Services |
(100) |
Rents & Service Charges |
Projected income is slightly more than budget assumptions for Seniors Housing. |
80 |
Premises |
Council Tax costs are higher than budgeted and there are additional costs for rubbish clearance, resulting from an increase in fly-tipping. |
60 |
Employees costs |
Projected overspend as a result of additional staff cover and regrading. |
20 |
Supplies & Services |
Small overspend across the service. |
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG)
Revenue Budget Summary
Forecast |
2019/20 |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Forecast |
Variance |
Budget |
Outturn |
Variance |
Variance |
Month 2 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
Month 5 |
£'000 |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
% |
0 |
Individual Schools Budget (ISB) |
127,523 |
127,523 |
0 |
0.0% |
0 |
Early Years Block (excluding delegated to Schools) (This includes Private Voluntary & Independent (PVI) Early Years 3 & 4 year old funding for the 15 hours free entitlement to early years education) |
14,154 |
13,840 |
(314) |
-2.2% |
70 |
High Needs Block (excluding delegated to Special Schools) |
20,316 |
20,471 |
155 |
0.8% |
32 |
Exceptions and Growth Fund |
2,886 |
2,900 |
14 |
0.5% |
0 |
Grant Income |
(164,075) |
(164,075) |
0 |
0.0% |
102 |
Total Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) |
804 |
659 |
(145) |
-18.0% |
Explanation of Key Variances
Key |
Variances |
£'000 |
Service Area |
Variance Description |
Early Years Block (including delegated to Schools) |
(30) |
Additional Support Funding for 2, 3 & 4 year olds |
Estimated underspend for 2 year olds |
(130) |
Early years free entitlement |
Unallocated underspend from 2018/19 |
(88) |
Early years free entitlement |
Anticipated retrospective adjustment made by DfE for 2018/19 provision |
(35) |
Early years free entitlement 2 year olds |
Estimated underspend for 2 year old payments to PVI providers |
(20) |
Early years free entitlement 3 & 4 year olds |
Estimated underspend for 3 & 4 year old payments to PVI providers |
(11) |
Other |
Balance of variances on other cost centres. |
High Needs Block (excluding delegated to Schools) |
108 |
Inclusion Support Service |
Impact of school traded service element for BHISS £0.104m and Literacy Support Service £0.004m. |
(83) |
FE and post-19 specialist provision |
FE college and post-19 specialist provision - placements for 2019/20 academic year being finalised. |
64 |
High needs pupils in other LAs |
Increase in the number of high needs pupils being educated in other LA provision. |
58 |
High needs top-up funding |
Projected overspend for provision within mainstream and special schools within the city. |
44 |
Agency Placements |
Projected overspend for new placements in the Autumn Term. |
(36) |
Other |
Balance of variances on other cost centres. |
Exceptions and Growth Fund |
30 |
Historic Pension costs |
Historic pension liabilities. |
(16) |
Other |
Balance of variances on other cost centres. |